"ALL_COPIES_COMPLETED": "All copies completed",
"APPROVED": "Approved",

Florent Poittevin
"AVERAGE_COMPLIANCE": "Average compliance",
"CHANGE_RELATIVE_LOCATION": "Change relative location",
"CHECKED": "Checked",
"CLEANED": "Cleaned",
"CLEANING": "Cleaning",
"COMPLETED": "Completed",

Florent Poittevin
"FILE_FORMAT_IDENTIFIED": "File format identified",
"FILE_FORMAT_UNKNOWN": "File format unknown",
"FULL_COMPLIANCE": "Full compliance",
"IN_ERROR": "In error",
"IN_PREPARATION": "In preparation",
"IN_PROGRESS": "In progress",
"IN_VALIDATION": "In validation",

Florent Poittevin
"NOT_ASSESSED": "Not assessed",
"NO_COMPLIANCE": "No compliance",
"PAUSED": "Paused",

Florent Poittevin
"PROCESSED": "Processed",
"READY": "Ready",
"RECEIVED": "Received",
"REJECTED": "Rejected",
"SOME_COPY_IN_ERROR": "Copies in error",
"SOME_COPY_MISC_STATUS": "Copies with misc. status",
"SOME_COPY_MISSING": "Missing copies",
"SUBMITTED": "Submitted",

Florent Poittevin
"TO_PROCESS": "To process",
"VIRUS_CHECKED": "Virus checked",
"WEAK_COMPLIANCE": "Weak compliance",
"access": {
"search": {
"scope": {
"all": "All",
"label": "Search filter",
"private": "Private",
"public": "Public"
"table": {
"header": {
"accessLevel": "Access Level",
"title": "Title",
"yearPublicationDate": "Publication Year"
"admin": {
"button": {
"goBackToAdminHome": "Back"
"firstName": "First name",
"lastName": "Last name",
"orcid": "ORCID"
"table": {
"header": {
"creation": {
"firstName": "First name",
"lastName": "Last name",
"disseminationPolicy": {
"button": {
"new": "New dissemination policy",
"refresh": "Refresh"
"dialog": {
"delete": {
"cancel": "Cancel",
"confirm": "Yes",
"message": "Are you sure you want to delete the following dissemination policy: '{{name}}' ?",
"title": "Confirm delete action"
"form": {
"destinationServer": "Destination server",
"name": "Name",
"subFolder": "Subfolder",
"type": "Type"
"home": {
"subtitle": "Describes dissemination policies",
"notification": {
"resource": {
"create": "Dissemination policy created",
"delete": "Dissemination policy deleted",
"update": "Dissemination policy updated"
"table": {
"header": {
"creation": {
"when": "Created"
"destinationServer": "Destination server",
"lastUpdate": {
"name": "Name",
"subFolder": "Subfolder",
"type": "Type"
"funding-agencies": {
"button": {
"new": "Create Funding Agency",
"refresh": "Refresh"
"dialog": {
"delete": {
"cancel": "Cancel",
"confirm": "Yes",
"message": "Are you sure you want to delete the following funding agency: '{{name}}' ?",
"title": "Confirm delete action"
"form": {
"acronym": "Acronym",
"description": "Description",
"name": "Name",
"organizational-units": {
"navigateLinkPlaceholder": "See organizational unit detail",
"placeholder": "Click here to add an organizational unit",
"title": "Organizational units"
"subtitle": "Describes funding agencies",
"notification": {
"resource": {
"create": "Funding agency created",
"delete": "Funding agency deleted",
"update": "Funding agency updated"
"table": {
"header": {
"acronym": "Acronym",
"name": "Name"
"institution": {
"button": {
"new": "Create new institution",
"refresh": "Refresh"
"dialog": {
"delete": {
"cancel": "Cancel",
"confirm": "Confirm",
"message": "Are you sure you want to delete the following institution: '{{name}}' ?",
"title": "Confirm delete action"
"description": "Description",
"emailSuffixes": "Email suffixes",
"name": "Name"
"notification": {
"resource": {
"create": "Institution created",
"delete": "Institution deleted",
"update": "Institution updated"
"table": {
"header": {
"creation": {
"language": {
"button": {
"new": "Create new language",
"refresh": "Refresh"
"dialog": {
"delete": {
"cancel": "Cancel",
"confirm": "Confirm",
"message": "Are you sure you want to delete the following language: '{{name}}' ?",
"title": "Confirm delete action"
"form": {
"code": "Code",
"language": "Language",
"home": {
"subtitle": "Describes application language",
"notification": {
"resource": {
"create": "Language created",
"delete": "Language deleted",
"update": "Language updated"
"table": {
"header": {
"code": "Code",
"creation": {
"lastUpdate": {
"when": "Updated"
"license": {
"button": {
"new": "Create new license",
"refresh": "Refresh"
"dialog": {
"delete": {
"cancel": "Cancel",
"confirm": "Confirm",
"message": "Are you sure you want to delete the following license: '{{name}}' ?",
"title": "Confirm delete action"
"form": {
"domainContent": "Domain Content",
"domainData": "Domain Data",
"domainSoftware": "Domain Software",
"family": "Family",
"isGeneric": "Is generic",
"maintainer": "Maintainer",
"odConformance": "Od Conformance",
"openLicenseId": "Open license ID",
"osdConformance": "Osd conformance",
"status": "Status",
"subtitle": "Describes licenses for a deposit",
"notification": {
"resource": {
"create": "License created",
"delete": "License deleted",
"update": "License updated"
"name": "Licenses",
"action": {
"download": "Download",
"testFile": "Test file"
"button": {
"new": "Create new metadata type",
"refresh": "Refresh"
"dialog": {
"delete": {
"cancel": "Cancel",
"confirm": "Confirm",
"message": "Are you sure you want to delete the following metadata type: '{{name}}' ?",
"title": "Confirm delete action"
"fileNotSupported": "Unsupported file format. Supported file formats: json, xml, text.",
"form": {
"buttonUploadSchema": {
"label": "Load a file describing the schema",
"tooltip": "Warning, this will delete the current value of the field 'Scheme'"
"description": "Description",
"metadataFormat": "Format",
"metadataSchema": "Schema",
"metadataSchemaPreview": "Schema preview",
"name": "Name",
"version": "Version"
"home": {
"subtitle": "Describes metadata types used by deposits",
"title": "Metadata Types"
"maximumSize": "Maximum permitted file size has been reached(25MG)",
"notification": {
"resource": {
"create": "Metadata type created",
"delete": "Metadata type deleted",
"update": "Metadata type updated"
"readUploadedFileSuccessfully": "Supplied file successfully read",
"table": {
"header": {
"format": "Format",
"name": "Name",
"version": "Version"
"notifications": {
"button": {
"new": "Create new notification",
"refresh": "Refresh"
"home": {
"subtitle": "Describes notifications",
"title": "Notifications"
"notification": {
"resource": {
"create": "Notification created",
"delete": "Notification deleted",
"update": "Notification updated"
"table": {
"header": {
"emitter": "Emitter",
"notificationStatus": "Status",
"notificationType": "Type",
"notifiedOrgUnit": "Notified organizational unit"
"organizational-units": {
"navigateLinkPlaceholder": "See organizational unit detail",
"placeholder": "Click here to add organizational unit",
"title": "Organizational units"
"oai-set": {
"button": {
"bulkCreate": "Create OAI sets in bulk",
"new": "Create new OAI set",
"refresh": "Refresh"
"dialog": {
"delete": {
"cancel": "Cancel",
"confirm": "Yes",
"message": "Are you sure you want to delete the following OAI set: '{{name}}' ?",
"title": "Confirm delete action"
"form": {
"description": "Description",
"enabled": "Enabled",
"name": "Name",
"query": "Query",
"title": "OAI Sets"
"notification": {
"bulkCreateSuccess": "OAI sets created",
"create": "OAI set created",
"delete": "OAI set deleted",
"update": "OAI set updated"
"table": {
"enabled": {
"false": "Enabled",
"true": "Disabled"
"header": {
"description": "Description",
"enabled": "Enabled",
"name": "Name",
"spec": "Spec"
"tooltips": {
"query": "Query to search for the OAI set. Only works within this repository.",
"spec": "The OAI set's identifier. Must be lower case."

Florent Poittevin
"oauth2": {
"button": {
"new": "Create new OAuth2 Client",
"refresh": "Refresh"
"dialog": {
"delete": {
"cancel": "Cancel",
"confirm": "Yes",
"message": "Are you sure you want to delete the following client: '{{name}}' ?",
"title": "Confirm delete action"

Florent Poittevin
"form": {
"accessTokenValiditySeconds": "Access token validity",
"clientId": "Client ID",
"grantTypes": "Grant types",
"name": "Name",
"redirectUri": "Redirect URL",
"refreshTokenValiditySeconds": "Refresh token validity",

Florent Poittevin
"home": {

Florent Poittevin
"title": "OAuth2 Clients"
"notification": {
"resource": {
"create": "OAuth2 Client created",
"delete": "OAuth2 Client deleted",
"update": "OAuth2 Client updated"

Florent Poittevin
"table": {
"header": {

Florent Poittevin
"name": "Name",
"redirectUri": "URL Redirection"
"organizationalUnit": {
"dialog": {
"delete": {
"cancel": "Cancel",
"confirm": "Yes",
"message": "Are you sure you want to delete the following organizational unit: '{{name}}' ?",
"title": "Confirm delete action"
"form": {
"description": {
"placeholder": "Description"
"disseminationPolicy": {
"navigateLinkPlaceholder": "See dissemination policy detail",
"placeholder": "Click here to add policy",
"fundingAgency": {
"navigateLinkPlaceholder": "See funding agency detail",
"placeholder": "Click here to add agency",
"title": "Funding Agency"
"institutions": {
"navigateLinkPlaceholder": "See institution's details",
"placeholder": "Click here to add an institution",
"title": "Institutions"
"license": {
"navigateLinkPlaceholder": "See License details",
"title": "License"
"link": {
"seeArchives": "See archives",
"seeDeposits": "See deposits"
"name": "Name",
"preservationPolicy": {
"navigateLinkPlaceholder": "See preservation policy detail",
"placeholder": "Click here to add a policy",
"researchDomainSource": {
"all": "No filtering",
"title": "Filtering research area by source",
"tooltip": "Allows you to filter the research areas proposed in the following field"
"researchDomains": {
"navigateLinkPlaceholder": "See research area",
"placeholder": "Click here to add research area",
"title": "Research Areas"
"submissionPolicy": {
"navigateLinkPlaceholder": "See submission policy detail",
"placeholder": "Click here to add policy",
"home": {
"subtitle": "Describes organizational units",
"new": "Create new organizational unit",
"notification": {
"resource": {
"create": "Organizational Unit created",
"delete": "Organizational Unit deleted",
"update": "Organizational Unit updated"
"refresh": "Refresh",
"table": {
"header": {
"person": {
"button": {
"new": "Create new person",
"refresh": "Refresh"
"dialog": {
"delete": {
"cancel": "Cancel",
"confirm": "Yes",
"message": "Are you sure you want to delete the following person: '{{name}}' ?",
"title": "Confirm delete action"
"form": {
"button": {
"navigateToContributorPage": "See deposits"
"navigateLinkPlaceholder": "See institution's details",
"placeholder": "Click here to add an institution",
"title": "Institutions"
"home": {
"subtitle": "Manage people",
"title": "People"
"notification": {
"resource": {
"create": "Person created",
"delete": "Person deleted",
"update": "Person updated"
"table": {
"header": {
"firstName": "First name",
"lastName": "Last name",
"orcid": "ORCID"
"preservation": {
"aipStatuses": {
"notification": {
"deleteCache": {
"fail": "Unable to clear cache",
"table": {
"header": {
"organizationalUnit": "Organizational unit",
"summary": "Status"
"preservationPolicy": {
"button": {
"new": "Create new preservation policy",
"refresh": "Refresh"
"dialog": {
"delete": {
"cancel": "Cancel",
"confirm": "Yes",
"message": "Are you sure you want to delete the following preservation policy: '{{name}}' ?",
"title": "Confirm delete action"
"dispositionApproval": "Disposal Approval",
"retention": "Retention",
"retentionUnits": "Units"
"subtitle": "Describes the preservation policies for a deposit",
"notification": {
"resource": {
"create": "Preservation Policy created",
"delete": "Preservation Policy deleted",
"update": "Preservation Policy updated"
"retention": {
"centuries": "Centuries",
"days": "Days",
"forever": "Forever",
"years": "Years"
"table": {
"header": {
"creation": {
"when": "Created"
"dispositionApproval": "Disposal Approval",
"name": "Name",
"retention": "Retention"
"researchDomain": {
"button": {
"new": "Create new research area",
"refresh": "Refresh"
"dialog": {
"delete": {
"cancel": "Cancel",
"confirm": "Confirm",
"message": "Are you sure you want to delete the following research area: '{{name}}' ?",
"title": "Confirm delete action"
"form": {
"code": "Code",
"name": "Name",
"source": "Source"
"subtitle": "Describes research areas",
"title": "Research Areas"
"notification": {
"resource": {
"create": "Research area created",
"delete": "Research area deleted",
"update": "Research area updated"
"table": {
"header": {
"code": "Code",
"creation": {
"lastUpdate": {
"when": "Updated"
"name": "Name",
"source": "Source"
"roles": {
"button": {
"new": "Create a Role",
"refresh": "Refresh"
"form": {
"level": "Level",
"title": "Roles"
"notification": {
"resource": {
"create": "Role created",
"delete": "Role deleted",
"update": "Role updated"
"table": {
"header": {
"name": "Name"
"submissionPolicy": {
"button": {
"new": "Create new submission policy",
"refresh": "Refresh"
"dialog": {
"delete": {
"cancel": "Cancel",
"confirm": "Yes",
"message": "Are you sure you want to delete the following submission policy: '{{name}}' ?",
"title": "Confirm delete action"
"form": {
"name": "Name",
"submissionApproval": "Submission Approval",
"timeToKeep": "Time To Keep"
"home": {
"subtitle": "Describes the submission policies for a deposit",
"notification": {
"resource": {
"create": "Submission Policy created",
"delete": "Submission Policy deleted",
"update": "Submission Policy updated"
"table": {
"header": {
"creation": {
"when": "Created"
"lastUpdate": {
"name": "Name",
"submissionApproval": "Submission Approval",
"timeToKeep": "Time To Keep"
"user": {
"button": {
"new": "Create new User",
"refresh": "Refresh"
"dialog": {
"delete": {
"cancel": "Cancel",
"confirm": "Yes",
"message": "Are you sure you want to delete the following user: '{{name}}' ?",
"title": "Confirm delete action"

Florent Poittevin
"editOwnRoles": {
"cancel": "Cancel",
"confirm": "Yes, I'm sure!",
"looseAdminRole": "You will lose access to the administration features.",
"noMoreRight": "You have removed all of your permissions. This will prevent you from accessing the application!",

Florent Poittevin
"summary": {
"addedRoles": "Added role :",
"removedRoles": "Removed role :"

Florent Poittevin
"title": "Be careful, you are modifying your own roles!",
"warning": "This action will result in a change of permissions within the application.\nYou will be logged out."
"editCurrentUser": "Warning, you may be editing your own information!",
"role": "Role",
"tooltip": {
"goToPerson": "See person detail"
"notification": {
"resource": {
"create": "User created",
"delete": "User deleted",
"update": "User updated"
"roles": {
"admin": "Admin",
"root": "Root",
"trustedClient": "Trusted_client",
"user": "User"
"firstName": "First name",
"lastName": "Last name"
"aip": {
"form": {
"accessLevel": "Access",
"archive": "Archive",
"complianceLevel": "Data compliance level",
"container": "Container",
"description": "Description",
"fail": "Verification failed",
"label": "Last checksum verification",
"never": "Never",
"success": "Verification succeeded"
"metadataVersion": "Metadata version",
"organizationUnit": "Organizational unit",
"retention": "Retention duration",
"retentionEnd": "Retention expiration",
"size": "Archive size",
"tombstoneSize": "Metadata size",
"yearOfcreation": "Year"
"table": {
"header": {
"creation": {
"when": "Created"
"name": "Name",
"organizationalUnit": "Organizational unit",
"size": "Size",
"status": "Status"
"notFound": {
"button": {
"backToStoragionList": "Back to the list of storagion nodes"
"notPresentOnNode": "The AIP is not present on the storage node {{storagionNumber}}.",
"seeOnOtherNodes": "You can view the details on another storagion node:",
"storagionItem": "Storagion node {{storagionNumber}}",
"title": "AIP absent from storagion node"
"storage": "Storagion {{number}}",
"tabs": {
"all": "All",
"collections": "Collections",
"units": "Units"
"title": "Aip"
"title": "Aip not found"
"buttonInfoCreation": {
"creationAndUpdate": "Created the {{creationDate}} by {{creationWho}}\nUpdated the {{updatedDate}} by {{updatedWho}}",
"creationOnly": "Created the {{creationDate}} by {{creationWho}}"
"empty": "There currently are no archives waiting to be downloaded"
"button": {
"close": "Close",
"placeholder": {
"remove": "Remove from download order"
"checksum": {
"copyToClipboard": "Copy value in the clipboard"
"history": {
"buttonOpen": "Show history status",
"table": {
"changeTime": "Change time",
"createdBy": "Created by",
"description": "Description",
"status": "Status"
"title": "{{name}}: Status history"
"meta": {
"description": "Platform for archiving research data"
"module": {
"admin": "Administration",
"darkMode": "Dark mode",
"deposit": "Deposits",
"home": "Home",
"languageSelector": "Select a language",
"login": "Log in",
"logout": "Log out",
"preservation": "Preservation Planning",
"preservation-space": "Preservation Space",
"profileInfo": "Profile",
"theme": "Themes",
"themeSelector": "Application theme",
"token": "Token",
"userGuide": "User guide"
"approveDisposal": "Approve disposal",
"back": "Back",
"create": "Create",
"download": "Download",
"edit": "Edit",
"extendRetention": "Extend the retention",
"resume": "Resume",
"notFound": {
"button": {
"backToHome": "Back to home page"
"title": "The requested resource does not exist or no longer exists..."
"action": {
"see": "See"
"checksumCopy": "Checksum value copied to clipboard",
"extraInfoCopyToClipboard": "Value copied to clipboard",
"notificationInbox": {
"newIncoming": "{{number}} new(s) request(s) received"
"order": {
"inError": "An order ended in error",
"ready": "An order is ready to be downloaded"
"tokenCopiedToClipboardFail": "Unable to copy the token to the clipboard",
"tokenCopiedToClipboardSuccess": "Token copied to the clipboard"