Explore projects
Bavelierlab / BLAST
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 InternationalBron/Lyon Attention Stability Test
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Miguel Antonio Romero Montoya / Course
MIT LicenseMaterial for the Containerization and Orchestration Tools course from the CUI
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Igor Milhit / revealjs-bunige
MIT LicenseFork of https://github.com/hakimel/reveal.js in order to add a theme for the Library of the University of Geneva (bunige branch, see the README, last section).
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OCT_CUI / Course
MIT LicenseMaterial for the Containerization and Orchestration Tools course from the CUI
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Archived 0Updated
A highly innovative theoretical and practical framework for the decentralized deployment and execution of self-aware and adaptive services for future and emerging pervasive network scenarios.
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The ONE-SAPERE Simulator: A Prototyping Tool for Engineering Self-Organisation in Pervasive Environments
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CUI / MILBOT / widget
MIT LicenseUpdated -
Bavelierlab / TOVA
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 InternationalTest Of Variables of Attention
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