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feat(download): [DLCM-1743] apply download token for all authenticated download

To test with backend dlcm/community/dlcm-backend!688 (merged)

Need solidify frontend solidify/solidify-frontend!38 (merged)


For local testing, in solidify service, update _getAndStoreDownloadTokenThenDownload method by changing withCredentials from false to true.

To use download token system, add useDownloadToken: true, inside your environment.local.ts file

Procedure :

Do a npm install on the portal.

Pull solidify to the branch solidify/solidify-frontend!38 (merged).

Do a npm install on solidify.

Then on portal use command npm run build-solidify.

Then you can start the portal with npm run start using the expected solidify-frontend version.

Warning : Do not merge until Solidify-Frontend is not released and updated in package json

Edited by Florent Poittevin

Merge request reports