# Template for Data Analysis Project
This repository is a template for data analysis projects.
The already organized folder is structured to store the code and the data.
Importantly, it also store the software use in the project and then facilitate reproducible sharing with collaborators.
# Quick start
To start a new project:
1. Clone the template: `git clone 2021-04-27_username_project-name`
2. Start the container: `docker-compose -f ./.docker/docker-compose.yml up`
3. Connect to the container with your web browser at the address: [http://localhost:8787](http://localhost:8787)
- `/data` should contains all the raw data of the project organized into subfolders if necessary
- `/src` will contain project's scripts. All its content should be put under version control with GIT
- `/out` originally empty, will contain the output of your scripts
- `/doc` documents related to you project (e.g. reference papers, presentations, etc...)
- `/.docker` docker containers containing the software used within the project