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Commit c68c2751 authored by Samuel Simko's avatar Samuel Simko
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%% Cell type:markdown id: tags:
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``` python
import glob, os
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from sklearn.svm import SVR
from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error
from sklearn.model_selection import KFold
import pickle
import optuna
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``` python
from malikule.dataset import MoleculeSklearnDataset
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### Preprocessing of data
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The data are normalized and columns on the composition of the molecules are added. For more information, see the initialization code of the MoleculeSklearnDataset class.
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
path = "../data/data.csv"
dm = MoleculeSklearnDataset(path)
%% Output
/home/moi/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/ RuntimeWarning: overflow encountered in square
sqr = _ensure_numeric((avg - values) ** 2)
%% Cell type:markdown id: tags:
### Getting the different data sets
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We create three data sets: \
- one that does not contain the SMILES data of the molecules \
- one that contains only the SMILES data of the molecules \
- one that contains all the data
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
X_no_smiles = dm.getDataNoSmiles()
X_only_smiles = dm.getDataWithOnlySmiles()
X_with_smiles = dm.getDataWithSmiles()
Xs = [X_no_smiles, X_only_smiles, X_with_smiles]
data_model = ["X without SMILES", "X with only SMILES", "X with SMILES" ]
y = dm.getY()
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### Cross-validation
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We create a function that takes a data set as input and an integer k, and splits the set into k parts. Then it performs the cross validation on these sets and returns the linear regression with the best MSE.
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``` python
def objective(trial, X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test, k_index):
svr = SVR(
C=trial.suggest_float("C", 0, 100),
epsilon= trial.suggest_float("epsilon", 0, 1),
gamma=trial.suggest_float("gamma", 0, 10),
svr =, y_train)
y_pred = svr.predict(X_test)
with open("TMP_MALIKULE_{}_{}_{}.pickle".format(X_train.shape[1], trial.number, k_index), "wb") as fout:
pickle.dump(svr, fout)
return mean_squared_error(y_test, y_pred)
def cross_validation(X, y, k=5):
n_trials = 500
def objective(trial, X, y):
k = 5
mse_val = 0
best = np.inf
C = trial.suggest_float("C", 0, 100)
epsilon = trial.suggest_float("epsilon", 0, 1)
gamma = trial.suggest_float("gamma", 0, 10)
kf = KFold(n_splits=k, random_state=0, shuffle=True)
for i, result in enumerate(kf.split(X)):
for result in kf.split(X):
X_train = X.iloc[result[0]]
X_test = X.iloc[result[1]]
y_train = y.iloc[result[0]]
y_test = y.iloc[result[1]]
study = optuna.create_study()
study.optimize(lambda trial: objective(trial, X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test, i), n_trials=n_trials)
svr = SVR(
mse_val += study.best_trial.value
svr =, y_train)
if best > mse_val:
best = study.best_trial.value
best_i = i
y_pred = svr.predict(X_test)
with open("TMP_MALIKULE_{}_{}_{}.pickle".format(X.shape[1], study.best_trial.number, best_i), "rb") as fin:
best_svr = pickle.load(fin)
mse_val += mean_squared_error(y_test, y_pred)
for f in glob.glob("TMP_MALIKULE_*.pickle"):
with open("tmp/TMP_MALIKULE_{}_{}.pickle".format(X_train.shape[1], trial.number), "wb") as fout:
pickle.dump(svr, fout)
return mse_val / k
def cross_validation(X, y):
n_trials = 100
study = optuna.create_study()
study.optimize(lambda trial: objective(trial, X, y), n_trials=n_trials)
return mse_val / k, best_svr
with open("tmp/TMP_MALIKULE_{}_{}.pickle".format(X.shape[1], study.best_trial.number), "rb") as fin:
best_svr = pickle.load(fin)
for f in glob.glob("tmp/TMP_MALIKULE_*.pickle"):
return study.best_value, best_svr
%% Cell type:markdown id: tags:
Then we use the previous function on the different sets and test the linear regression on an unused test set.
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``` python
k = 2
for i,X in enumerate(Xs):
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, test_size=0.3, random_state=0)
mse_val_energy_, svr_energy_ = cross_validation(X_train, y_train["Energy_(kcal/mol)"], k)
mse_val_energy_DG, svr_energy_DG = cross_validation(X_train, y_train["Energy DG:kcal/mol)"], k)
mse_val_energy_, svr_energy_ = cross_validation(X_train, y_train["Energy_(kcal/mol)"])
mse_val_energy_DG, svr_energy_DG = cross_validation(X_train, y_train["Energy DG:kcal/mol)"])
y_pred_energy_ = svr_energy_.predict(X_test)
mse_energy_ = mean_squared_error(y_test["Energy_(kcal/mol)"], y_pred_energy_)
y_pred_energy_DG = svr_energy_DG.predict(X_test)
mse_energy_DG = mean_squared_error(y_test["Energy DG:kcal/mol)"], y_pred_energy_DG)
print("MSE on validate set:",mse_val_energy_)
print("MSE on test set:",mse_energy_)
print("MSE on validate set:",mse_val_energy_DG)
print("MSE on test set:",mse_energy_DG)
%% Output
[I 2022-06-20 17:19:16,902] A new study created in memory with name: no-name-a44d7b6f-9801-4715-96c5-8d1def60cb0e
X without SMILES
MSE on validate set: 0.3309146291714391
MSE on test set: 0.3066575846793091
MSE on validate set: 0.3088730001275274
MSE on test set: 0.31100852093520814
MSE on validate set: 0.32556979134078445
MSE on test set: 0.3093429133132752
MSE on validate set: 0.31517404420730144
MSE on test set: 0.31770596340555723
X with only SMILES
MSE on validate set: 0.0004153051447523143
MSE on test set: 0.00043307206180056136
MSE on validate set: 0.01886122524627829
MSE on test set: 0.012995809534011079
MSE on validate set: 0.00035963750253789877
MSE on test set: 0.0004470172626322179
MSE on validate set: 0.036944536440535
MSE on test set: 0.04047147481825687
MSE on validate set: 0.0006245028007995493
MSE on test set: 0.0010165411631082994
MSE on validate set: 0.02431202432691374
MSE on test set: 0.03139232691986686
MSE on validate set: 0.0015130469019798815
MSE on test set: 0.0006429917099876396
MSE on validate set: 0.044747865322953176
MSE on test set: 0.049129339906476985
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
......@@ -148,12 +148,92 @@ And the last one contains all the available information.
Linear regression tries to find the linear relationship between two variables by calculating a linear equation.
If a linear relationship exists between the two variables, this equation allows us to estimate the desired variable.
The general linear equation is as follows: \[ Y = w_{T}X + b \]
The general linear equation is as follows: \[ Y = w^{T}X + b \]
In order to find the coefficients $w_{T}$ and the intercept $b$, we must minimize the residual
sum of squares between $Y$ and $w_{T}X$ as followed: \[ MIN \sum_{n=1}^{\infty} (y_{i} - w_{T}x_{i})^{2} \]
In order to find the coefficients $w$ and the intercept $b$, we must minimize the residual
sum of squares between $Y$ and $w^{T}X$ as followed: \[ \min_{w} \sum_{n=1}^{n} (y_{i} - w^{T}x_{i})^{2} \]
This kind of method in linear regression is called an Ordinary least squares (OLS).
For this model, we used the Sklearn library which proposes an implementation of linear regression with the LinearRegression function.
In addition, we also used Sklearn to perform cross-validation using the KFold function.
This function allows us to separate the data set into several subsets in order to perform the cross-validation.
Before that, we split the dataset in two parts in order to have an unused set to test the best model found during the cross-validation.
\subsection{Support Vector Regression}
Support Vector Regression (SVR) is a specification of the Support Vector Machine (SVM) classification model.
In order to understand the SVR model, one must first understand the SVM model.
SVM is a model for binary classification of data. This model is used to find a hyperplane that best separates data.
The constraints ensure that the data is classified correctly. In other words, this problem consists in finding a hyperplane separating
the data and having the largest margin. It can be shown that maximizing the size of the margin is equivalent to minimizing the norm of the hyperplane vector.
More formally, SVM consists in solving the following minimization problem:
$$\min_{w} \frac{1}{2} \|w\|^{2}$$
with the constraints:
$$ y_{i}(\vec{w}\cdot\vec{x_{i}} - b) \geq 1 $$
$y_{i} \in \{-1,1\}$ is the binary labels\\
$\vec{w}$ is the hyperplane\\
$\vec{x_{i}}$ is the $i^{th}$ data\\
$b$ is the intercept\\
This problem can be expressed using the Lagrange multiplier as follows:
$$ L( w, b, \lambda) = \frac{1}{2} w^{T} w - \sum_{i=1}^{N} \lambda_{i}(y_{i}(w^{T}x_{i}-b)-1)$$
By a derivation sequence, this equation can be expressed as follows:
$$ L(\lambda) = -\frac{1}{2} \sum_{i=1}^{N} (\sum_{j=1}^{N} \lambda_{i} \cdot \lambda_{j}\cdot y_{i}\cdot y_{j}\cdot \vec{x}_{i}^{\,T} \cdot\vec{x}_{j})
+ \sum_{i=1}^{N}\lambda_{i}
with contraints $\lambda_{i} \geq 0$
This form allows us to introduce the kernel trick. Originally, SVM is used to classify linearly separable data. However, thanks to the so-called kernel trick,
it is possible to adapt the model to non-linearly separable data. This kernel trick allows us to perform a transformation of the data in higher dimensions
where the data are linearly separable.
By a mathematical trick, the kernel trick allows to calculate the dot product between two transformed vectors without actually
transforming each vector. This trick transforms the previous equation into the following:
$$ L(\lambda) = -\frac{1}{2} \sum_{i=1}^{N} (\sum_{j=1}^{N} \lambda_{i} \cdot \lambda_{j}\cdot y_{i}\cdot y_{j}\cdot K(\vec{x}_{i} \cdot\vec{x}_{j}))
+ \sum_{i=1}^{N}\lambda_{i}
We arrive at the following problem:
$$ \min_{\lambda_{i} \geq 0 } \frac{1}{2} \sum_{i=1}^{N} (\sum_{j=1}^{N} \lambda_{i} \cdot \lambda_{j}\cdot y_{i}\cdot y_{j}\cdot K(\vec{x}_{i} \cdot\vec{x}_{j}))
- \sum_{i=1}^{N}\lambda_{i}
Let's talk about SVR.
Unlike SVM, SVR seeks to predict the continuous values of a so-called dependent variable. Moreover, for SVR, the size of the margin is a hyperparameter.
This model will perform the linear regression by trying to minimize the number and distance of data falling outside the margin.
Another hyperparameter allows us to weight the importance of the data falling outside the margin.
The objective function of SVR is as follows: $$ \min_{w} \frac{1}{2} \|w\|^{2} + C \sum_{i=1}^{n}|\xi_{i}| $$
And the constraints of the problem is: $$ |y_{i} - w_{i}x_{i}| \leq \epsilon + |\xi_{i}| $$
$y_{i}$ is the continuous values that we are trying to predict\\
$\vec{w}$ is the hyperplane\\
$\vec{x_{i}}$ is the $i^{th}$ data\\
$\epsilon$ is the size of the margin\\
$\xi_{i}$ is the distance outside the margin of the ith data\\
$C$ is the weighting of the distances of the data falling outside the margin
Sklearn uses the following kernel called RBF:
$$K(\vec{x}_{i},\cdot\vec{x}_{j}) = \exp^{-\gamma \|\vec{x}_{i}-\vec{x}_{j}\|^{2}}$$
As we can see, this model has several hyperparameters: $\epsilon$, $C$ and $\gamma$. We have optimized these hyperparameters with the optuna library
Similar to linear regression, we used Sklearn's KFold function to perform cross-validation of our model.
\subsection{Multi-Layered Perceptrons}
Multi-Layered Perceptrons (MLP) are the cornerstone of Deep Neural Networks.
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