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  • Maya Boeckh's avatar
    rm BatteryVis, Added header components, tweaks · 0600addd
    Maya Boeckh authored
    - Battery Visualizer -> Too much real estate taken, not so useful, device battery visible in main header and overview panel.
    - Dash Separator -> Useless
    - Growing text -> Relic from early testing days
    - Header -> Replaced by `main_header` and `main_footer`.
    - Documentation
    - Main header components (battery and db, WIP: map and network)
    - Main footer
    - Locations of interest database (and related data classes).
    - DataHandler (WIP, remove reliance on latest packet, use database)
    - Renamed DatabaseHandler to MainDatabaseHandler (only storing LogAir device data).
    - Tweaks in overview widgets to remove tree clutter.